Gnome and Buddha Strike Back
Gnome and Buddha sit around the pond.
"So what you're saying is I'm in the pond already".
Gnome peered into the still water and looked at his reflection.
"Well I can already see meself in there!"
"No no no. A piece of you is that pond. A piece of you is all around us. We've all come from the same place."
"What, Homebase?"
"No, originally."
"The factory which supplies Homebase with Gnomes?"
"So which piece of me is in that pond? Should I jump in and get it?"
"Sigh. No, a tiny piece. A tiny piece of you is in the rock you're sitting on too."
"Aye, me ringpiece. That frost has been causing havoc with me piles."
"No, I mean we're all inside each other"
"WHAT? I thought you was asleep! You didn't make no noise!"
"What? No, I mean once I was a part of you."
"Didja break off or summat? Was I asleep that time? I don't remember that."
"Well you wouldn't remember it."
"Why? Was I drugged?"
"No. It was just a long time ago."
"Are you suggesting me memory ain't what it used to be?"
"No, I'm saying we're all made of the same stuff"
"What, like plaster of paris?"
"Well, no but in a way, yes, we are all made of a piece of plaster of paris"
"'Where's your piece then? Are you sitting on it?"
"Maybe. Or it might be deep inside me."
"I prefer silicone ones meself. Although I hear glass is quite nice too."
"So, what you is saying is that my rod was once part of you."
"Yes, that's right."
"Do you want to reacquaint yourself with me rod then?"
"Go on, touch it. It might remember you."
"No, it's ok thanks."
"Oh go on. It wants you to."
"Not right now. I'm meditating."
"Oh, is that what you call it."
"Call what?"
"Whens you go all still and start making little noises to yerself"
"Yes, I'm practising mindful breathing. Breathing deeply"
"I can hear that"
"And I'm repeating my chants"
"Yes, very rhythmic it is too. I do that as well."
"Really? I didn't know that. What do you chant?"
"Usually something along the lines of 'Oh, god yes!'"
"Praying to your maker, are you?"
"Definitely. Sometimes it extends to 'please don't stop'."
"Referring to the circle of life, presumably?"
"Sommat like that. Circles most definitely. Holes most likely."
"It's comforting to know there's a piece of me in the world around me"
"I wouldn't say that too loud. Those skizzels are on the warpath again. Say someone's been tampering with them in their sleep."
"Yeah, you know. A piece of someone else enters them at night."
"Well, they have to breathe the air too, which is made up of a thousand of us."
"I think they are more worried about what's in their mouths when they wake up"
"Well it was part of them before"
"That's what I tell em. They shouldn't give out what they can't take. Took me weeks to get that squirrel spunk off my rod. And they got the line all knotted."
"Why do I get the feeling I'm miles off?"
"Nah, you ain't. Look, you could touch my rod from there if I swung it in your direction. Look!"
"Oo, sorry about that. Don't realise me own strength. Must have been a bear in a previous life. Here, since yer there, if you find a piece of me in there, chuck it out to us, cheers."
"Are you going to help me out then?"
"Sure. Here, grab hold of me rod and I'll pull".